Countdown to Unemployment

Saturday, June 23, 2007


I was informed a couple of months ago that my job is going to be eliminated at the end of the year. I know what most people think: well, at least you know ahead of time that you're losing your job. Yeah, because that makes it so much better. If anything it may be worse. Worse because I have no idea what I'm doing. I was offered a job but turned it down because if I want to pay my electricity from month to month I would have needed four jobs on top of that one to manage my bills. Did I make the right choice? Did I just mess up the only opportunity I may have? Did I jinx myself because I told the guy that I actually had opportunities that really didn't exist?

These are the questions that plague me everyday. I've already been on a bunch of interviews, each of which were either weird.... or well, actually they were all just weird. I'll be blogging about my experiences in upcoming entries. What I will say right now is that I have taken math tests, personality tests, and word/excel tests that all meant jack shit. The one place that did offer me a job did not test me at all and my interview was about 15 minutes long. I'm an idiot. I should have taken that job. If only I had ESP or a crystal ball or even a Magic 8 ball to tell me my future.

Since I don't have any of those things, you're stuck reading this until I get my shit together and find a job. Have fun reading all about my hopeless life.

Oh... and if you know of anything I'm totally up for any kind of job except garbage person or welder (since I'd probably burn myself and anyone around me).

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